
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DAILY GRAPHIC, Wednesday, September 5, 2012, Pg.7. The BCS at 35, celebrating the reign of Jehovah

By: Mary Ankrah
The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) has celebrated its 35th anniversary last Sunday in Accra with a call on Ghanaians to live in constant joy to be able to overcome the tribulations and temptations that could come their ways.

The celebration which was on the theme: “Acknowledging the Reign of Jehovah God and His Christ”, attracted members from Togo, Benin, Nigeria and the United Kingdom. It was marked with a week-long activity including choral exercise and a Marching parade.

BCS began in Ghana in  early 1977 by Deaconess Diana Matthews in Accra and later by late Pastor Yiadom Boakye-Okyere in Kumasi and grew rapidly in the 1980s. It now has more than a million members across the country with its principal centres in Accra, Kumasi and Sunyani.

It is a worldwide Christian denomination and is also known as Christ’s Universal Spiritual School of Practical Christianity.

Brotherhood exists to bring all people everywhere to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the gospel and the Kingdom of God.

In view of recent conflicts between Christians and Muslims throughout the world, the role of BCS as a promoter of peace and harmony is a crucial one. 

The teachings of Brotherhood, which are based on the New Testament, are direct and simple. 'Love one another' is the essence of the gospel preached by the founder and leader, Olumba Olumba Obu.

Members of Brotherhood regard him as the Universal Teacher who has come to bring the world to an accurate and more advanced knowledge of the truth.

As one who consistently practises what he teaches, he is revered as the embodiment of the Love of God.

Despites BCS-Ghana has been in existence for 35 years, many Ghanaians are not aware about its activities and the true meaning of it.

What Brotherhood means?
Brotherhood means love, truth, good manner, mercy, patience, humility, meekness, unity, as well as oneness of God‘s creations. It is neither a society nor cult; therefore every thing created by God is Brotherhood.

Cross and Star
The Cross represents the self-sacrificing suffering which all who seek to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ must be prepared to endure. But to look only to the Cross is to be continually looking on to Christ who is the Saviour of mankind. It includes tribulations, persecutions and hatred that the children of God have to suffer at the hands of the unbeliever, as said in Mark 8:34. The Star represents the brightness of God and the power of his kingdom, which is becoming manifest. It is the peace of the Almighty God that governs the universe and the reward of those who carry the Cross successfully to the end (Rev. 2: 26-28: 2 Timothy 4: 7-8).

More so, members of BCS believe that the world is now entering its 'third age.' The first age, the Age of the Father, brought the Old Testament, when God spoke to his children through the patriarchs and prophets of Israel. The second age, the Age of the Son, brought the New Testament, in which God became manifest in Jesus Christ and in the Church that his followers founded.

In the third age, the Age of the Spirit, God is revealed as the Holy Spirit who is breaking down the barriers that divide Christians into separate churches and humanity into separate religions. Just as modern communications systems are uniting the world physically, so is the Holy Spirit uniting it spiritually.

The foundation of Brotherhood is love, which is the first and great commandment of God as written in Matthew 22:37-40. To that effect, the movement is to develop and establish physical infrastructure such as education and health institutions, agricultural enterprises and industries and engage in other lawful activities to generate funds for the welfare of people in different parts of the world, thus enhancing the spiritual emancipation of humanity.

It is also to spread the gospel of Christ from house to house and city to city throughout the world; follow the foot prints of Christ not only by preaching the gospels but by practical Christianity, cater for sinners and convert them to the path of righteousness, among other commitments. The leader and members believe that to be in Brotherhood is to see the world through the eyes of God, who recognises no divisions, as they celebrate their 35th anniversary in Ghana.

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