
Friday, December 7, 2012

DAILY GRAPHIC, Friday, December 7, 2012, Pg. CJ urges peaceful voting

The Chief Justice, Mrs Georgina Theodora Wood, receiving an award citation from Rev. Dr Sam Ato Bentil, the General Treasurer of the Assemblies of God at the climax of the 40th anniversary celebration of the Liberty Centre Assemblies of God Church at Abeka-Lapaz in Accra.

Story: Mary Ankrah
THE Chief Justice, Mrs Georgina Theodora Wood, has emphasised the need for Ghanaians to protect the reputation of the country by ensuring that they vote peacefully in the December 7 elections.

She said that was because the international community was looking up to Ghana to go through its democratic elections peacefully, as the country had set good examples for other countries in its previous elections.

Mrs Wood gave the advice at the climax of the 40th anniversary celebration of the Liberty Centre Assemblies of God Church at Abeka-Lapaz in Accra on the theme: “Celebrating 40 years of God’s Greatness.”

As part of the anniversary, the church donated assorted items to the Christ Faith Foster Home at Frafraha, near Accra, and painted and changed mosquito nets of the buildings at the home.

The church also dedicated and blessed its Cathedral for worship.

Mrs Wood advised that the Election Day be dedicated to God since Ghanaians trusted that they would go through a successful election.

“Anything that happens on that day need not distract Ghanaians from worshipping God,” she admonished, adding that God needed leaders who would make a change in the nation.

She further urged Ghanaians to avoid partisan politics and work towards peace and unity and added that God wanted all to live in accordance with the standards that He has set by allowing His will to be done.

Speaking at the function, Rev. Dr Sam Ato Bentil, the General Treasurer of the Assemblies of God and a Senior Pastor, advised the members to go to the polls to vote peacefully for their candidates of their. He also urged all to abide by the electoral rules and regulations to ensure peace and stability in the elections.

Counting on the successes of the church, he observed that God had given the church great successes over the past 40 years, stating that thousands of souls had come to the saving knowledge of Christ and the weak had been strengthened.

“The poor were preached to and the broken hearted were healed. Liberty proclaimed to captives and prison doors opened for liberation to be experienced,” he added.

He said as part of the church’s social responsibilities, it would build a modern educational complex and urged the members to lend a helping hand to achieve the visions of the church to the glory of God.

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