
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

JUNIOR GRAPHIC, Wednesday, October 3, 2012, Pg.3. Graphic gives to the needy

Story: Mary Ankrah
THE Management and staff of the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL) has donated packed food to the Osu Children’s Home at Labone and the Dzorwulu Special School, both in Accra.

The company presented snacks and lunch to the children in honour of one of its driver, Mr Samuel Konadu, who met his untimely death in a terrible accident near Anyinam on the Accra-Kumasi highway while on his way to deliver the company's newspapers to Kumasi.

Presenting the packages to the Osu Children’s Home, the acting Manager for Marketing and Public Affairs, Mr Hope Adusu, said it was the company’s pleasure to cater for the poor, needy and the vulnerable in society as part of its social responsibility and therefore seized the occasion to assist the children.

The Assistant Supervisor of the home, Ms Annie Kpdekpo, who received the items, thanked Graphic for its kind gesture and for remembering the children in the home.

She urged other organisations to continue to support the home in order to complement government efforts so that the children would be happier and grow to become good citizens of the country.

She said the orphanage was home to children from three weeks old to 26 years.

She also said the home received children in different circumstances, adding that through the grace of God, two were in the university and one other inmate was working in a catering firm.

At the Dzorwulu Special School, one of the teachers, Mr Kwame Osam Sarsah, who received the packages, thanked Graphic for the donation.

He also appealed to the general public, corporate organisations and individuals to help support the school, particularly, with equipment such as sewing machines and hair driers to help train the children to better their skills and knowledge in their vocation.

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