
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

DAILY GRAPHIC, Tuesday, May 22, 2012, Pg. 20. Youth advised to seize available opportunities

Story: Mary Ankrah

THE youth have been advised to open their eyes to see the opportunities around them and work hard with their hands to become successful entrepreneurs.

This is because they could transform their own lives and situations through hard work if they believed they could make it in life.

“If the youth are positive, they would be able to achieve their dreams if they work towards it but if they think negatively that they can’t do it, no matter what they do it would not work,”  the former Manager of Amal Bank now Bank of Africa, Mr Menson C. D. Torkorno, observed.

Mr Torkorno stated this at the media launch of the interactive and practical young entrepreneurs conference (IPYEC) in Accra.

The theme of the IPYEC is: “Equipping young entrepreneurs with practical knowledge in order to enhance their contribution to national development through job creation.” It is organised by Chade Havilah in association with the office of the Vice President and supported by the Canadian Embassy.

The conference, which was slated for May 25 and 26, 2012, would bring together young entrepreneurs across the country to exchange and share ideas to promote entrepreneurship among the youth.

The conference would include corporate tour, exhibition, business seminar and interactive caucus sessions.

It is expected that the conference would raise entrepreneurs who would impact positively to national economic growth and address most of the challenging issues confronting entrepreneurship in the country.

According to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chade Havilah, Mr Charles Kweku Nkrumah, most of the young entrepreneurs in Ghana face lots of challenges in managing their enterprises.

Some of these challenges, he said, could be technical and monetary so there was the need to adequately equip young entrepreneurs with the requisite skills and knowledge to efficiently and effectively manage their own businesses.

Mr Nkrumah observed that the conference would expose delegates to the systems, structures and the technicalities of the day to day running of some of the leading companies and industries in the country and afford young entrepreneurs the platform to showcase their ideas, products, services and businesses to the world.

“There is the need to adequately equip young entrepreneurs in order for them to take advantage of the opportunities around them,” he added.

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