
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DAILY GRAPHIC, Tuesday, February 28, 2012, Pg.

Story:  Mary Ankrah & Dominic Moses Awaih
A 27-year-old man met his tragic end when two vehicles ran over him at Atico Junction in Accra in the early hours of yesterday.

The victim, identified as Daniel Ayiredi, was said to have been knocked down by a vehicle when he was crossing the road, while another vehicle, moving at top speed, crushed his head.

Ayiredi left behind a widow, Efua, and two children, Isaac Kwaku Osei, seven, and Joyce Abbey, four.
According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred about 3:30 a.m. but the body was left on the road until 8:30 a.m. when it was conveyed to the mortuary by  policemen from the Odorkor Police Station and some relatives of the deceased.  

Ayiredi’s mother, Mama Lizzy, told the Daily Graphic that about 5 a.m. she saw a crowd gathered around a dead body and asked some of them whether the dead person was male or female.

She said when she was told the body was that of a male, she exclaimed, and because she could not stand the shock, she continued to board a “trotro” to the market to buy some foodstuffs for her shop.

She said little did she know that the body was that of her son.

When the Daily Graphic got to the scene, the body had been wrapped with plastic, while the scene of the accident was stained with blood.

An Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Abdullah Mumuni, said the police would carry out investigations to establish which vehicles knocked and killed the young man.

According to him, a similar accident occurred at the Beento Complex before the Awoshie Junction last month when a woman was knocked and killed by a truck.

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