
Monday, February 13, 2012

DAILY GRAPHIC, Monday, February 13, 2012, Pg. 65.GTUC to be technologically oriented

Story: Mary Ankrah

THE Ghana Telecom University College (GTUC) is considering a changeof name to Ghana Technology University College to position itself as a technology-oriented institution.

The move, according to Dr Osei K. Darkwa, the President of the college, would be in line with the university quest to broaden its focus in relation to the programmes the institution is offering.

 Dr  Darkwa was speaking at the school’s intention at the 10th matriculation of the GTUC last Saturday in Accra.
The  matriculation ceremony was to formally admit 301 new students to pursue diploma and various degree programmes in telecommunications engineering, Information Communication Technology and Information Technology  Business.

The new focus, Dr Darkwa said, would enable the school meet the global education challenges of the 21st century.

To this end, the school has upgraded its academic infrastructure through the establishment of digital academic and media conference centres to enhance Information and Communication Technology (ICT) connectivity between the students and lecturers.

The new media conference centres established in both Accra and Kumasi will link educational resources and people in physically unconnected places to global education resources, he added.

It is also expected that the students learning the secrets of the new ICT technologies in the GTUC would make a difference in the lives of Ghanaians and worldwide.

 Accredited by the National Accreditation Board in 2005, the university's goal is to make higher education accessible, affordable and meaningful to as many students as possible across the globe.

The university offers over 1,000 students, a rigorous curricula in the sciences, engineering, information technology and business at the certificate, diploma, degree and masters level.

Dr Darkwa observed that the future of the country and the continent depended on the willingness of all people to utilise the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to advance development.

He emphasised that while the new global businesses and industries needed scientists, engineers, technologists, entrepreneurs and many technical specialists to support it, the university would design programmes that would prepare the students for the challenges of the new knowledge-based and network economy.

He entreated the matriculants to honour the sacrifices of their parents, families, guardians and friends by behaving responsibly and making the best of the opportunities given them.

“It is up to you to earn the honour of being an outstanding student of the GTUC. If you take your studies seriously, you will become the professionals that you dream to become,” he said.

He also encouraged the matriculants to participate in the activities of clubs and associations on campus, adding that their involvement with on-campus associations would give them the opportunity to learn the values of teamwork and  leadership and enable them to work together for a common purpose.

On behalf of the matriculants, Mr Vincent Kwashie appealed to university authorities to build more hostels and spacious classrooms which could accommodate  a greater number of students and a bigger library complex to help improve academic performance.

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