
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

DAILY GRAPHIC, Wednesday January 18, 2012, pg.16. NDC group supports woyome

Story: Mary Ankrah & Dominic Moses Awiah

A concerned group of the National Democratic Party (NDC) has declared its support for Mr Alfred Agbesi  Woyome for using the court to secure a lawful settlement judgement debt.

The group expressed their dismay at the refusal by the New Patriotic Party members not to cooperate with the Economic and Organised Crime Office investigations into the Woyome judgement debt case.

At a press conference in Accra, the Secretary of the group, Mr Robert Kpeteme, said the group was happy that EOCO had been commissioned to investigate the payment of the judgement debt and was satisfied that members of the NDC were cooperating with the investigations to unravel the truth, stressing that when these investigations were complete, it would settle the dust surrounding the payment of the judgement debt.

The group called on Nana Akufo-Addo to immediately resign his position as the flag-bearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and submit himself to the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) for investigations.

Additionally, the group also called on the government to arrest the Chairman of the NPP, Mr Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, for urging former Ministers of States under the Kufuor Administration not to cooperate with the ongoing investigations by EOCO.

“Indeed, Nana Addo, Kufuor, Osafo-Maafo, Kan-Dapaah and the entire cabinet of 2005/2006 must account for their recklessness and irresponsible decisions in government that led to the lost of over a hundred million Ghana cedis as judgement debt,” the group’s Secretary, Mr Robert Kpeteme, said.

The group, therefore, threatened a massive demonstration if the government did not compel the NPP members involved in the case to cooperate with the ongoing investigations.

“Indeed we want to state categorically that if the cooperation of the said persons is not secured by Friday, January 20, 2012, we shall mobilise all the progressive groups in Ghana to embark on a massive demonstration to drive home our message.”

Mr Kpeteme noted that when this was done it would serve as a deterrent to current and future public office holders whose actions would lead to financial loss to the state.

He said the attempt by the NPP functionaries to use the media to cover up their reckless act was a deliberate attempt to bastardise the real facts.

He urged the NPP to stop hiding behind the media and account for their stewardship to Ghanaians, including their role in how the state lost huge sums of money in judgement debt, stating that the sponsored media attacks on Woyome were dangerous.

The group’s secretary also said the motive of the Attorney-General, Mr Martin Amidu, to have resurrected a dead and buried case against Woyome was not clear, particularly when NPP companies and individuals had been paid judgement debts by the same government.

He warned that the Attorney-General must be careful not to try and clean up the mess of the NPP and smear it on his fellow party people.

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