
Thursday, December 22, 2011

DAILY GRAPHIC, Thursday, December 22, 2011. Princess Marie Louise Hospital fetes children

Story: Mary Ankrah
THE Management Board and staff of the Princess Marie Louise Hospital in Accra has organised a Christmas party for the children at the hospital.
The event is celebrated annually to show love to the children in the hospital and elsewhere.
The Medical Superintendent of the hospital, Dr Eric Sifah, said the completion of  the hospital’s Surgical Block had helped to reduce the referral of surgical cases to other health centres, adding that the hospital would soon complete its Neo-natal Unit.
He mentioned that despites these improvements, the number of staff kept reducing because some of them had to leave for further studies abroad.
Speaking at the event, Rev. Fr Andrew Campbell said Christmas was a season for family togetherness but in Ghana, there were so many broken families.
This, he said, was as a result of parents being too busy for work, attending social activities such as funerals, weddings and other events.
He, therefore, advised parents to stay with their families this Christmas because the season is meant for families to come together.
The Minister for Women and Children Affairs, Mrs Juliana Azuma-Mensah, who represented the First Lady, Mrs Ernestina Naadu Mills, also commended the Management Board of the hospital for showing love to the sick children and their mothers.
The minister said women were becoming the heads of household, saying that the 2010 census revealed that there was rising numbers of female-headed households which meant that most women were looking after their children on their own as compared to men.
She said most parents put their jobs and trades ahead of their children, leaving the children in the care of househelps and nannies or male members who may abuse them or they may be found in the company of bad groups or peers who might influence them into vices such as smoking, drinking, stealing and others.
Mrs Azuma-Mensah, therefore, called on parents to be more responsible and love their children so that they do not become wayward in the society.
The minister, on behalf of the First Lady, presented food items consisting 20 bags of rice, eight gallons of cooking oil, one carton of tin tomatoes and 25 crates of eggs to the children.
Other groups such as Melcom Group Limited gave some items, Addia Cutlass Limited presented a public address system worth GH¢4,000 to the hospital while the Knights and Ladies of Mashall presented a refrigerator to the hospital. Movenpick Hotel sponsored the events with foods.

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